The brief was to come up with an appropriate illustration/drawing for the article we chose and create an editorial for a magazing of our choice.
I chose an article that deals with the issue of emo culture and the article was tittled:
Slaves to the Anguish by Lin Sampson and designed it for One Small Seed magazine.
I immediately had ideas flowing.
The idea I thought works best, was literally being slaves to anguish (pain, sorrow, hurt, etc)
So I came up with two main drawings:
One where scalpels/knifes (anguish) were beating two emo kids
and the other was where scalpels/knifes (anguish) were being pulled on a carriage by slaves (emo kids).
I prefered the second idea and then took it further in photoshop using a graphics tablet.
Because this is a triple spread, it would be better and more acceptable for the image to be on the left with the text on the right following onto the 3rd page. Here I flipped my image horizontally to accommodate this and thereafter added my heading right above where my body copy will start:
For my body copy, I stuck to One Small Seed’s
futura style and for the heading, I used two
fonts that matched the emo/gloomy style
I was going for:

Here are my 3 proposed layout options, all in One Small Seed specifications:
Final Double page spread:
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